Ningbo Fengwo: Return to basics and put product quality first

Pay attention to market trends, talk to industry elites, and discuss hot topics. The 2015 Shanghai International Auto Parts, Maintenance, Testing and Diagnosis Equipment and Service Supplies Exhibition was grandly opened in Shanghai on the 2nd. As the official cooperative media of the exhibition, HC Automotive Aftermarket Network interviewed business elites at the same time, analyzed the hot spots of the industry situation, and shared hot topics in the industry. Mr. Liu Jing, the general manager of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharger System Co., Ltd., is the guest of HC Auto Aftermarket. The following is the interview record.

The booth style of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharger System Co., Ltd.

Reporter: Compared with previous years, does your company have any new highlights at the Frankfurt exhibition this year?

Guest: Our company is mainly engaged in OEM. This year, we will increase the level of participation, expand the booth area, and transfer the location of the exhibition hall at the same time. The main purpose of our company's participation in the Frankfurt exhibition is to display the brand, not to develop new customers.

Last year, Fengwo was the first manufacturer in China to supply hosts, and this year it is still the only one. Last year, the company broke the pattern from 0 to 1. This year, our company's overall layout has achieved good results, improving the mainframe market position, expanding market share, and enriching product lines.

Mr. Liu Jing, General Manager of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharging System Co., Ltd.

Reporter: Our company still pays attention to product quality.

Guest: For automobile engines, the turbocharger has the highest technical content and relatively high cost, which requires strict control of product quality. In addition, the company pays attention to brand promotion, and the cooperation with rave reviews among customers provides great support and help for the development of the domestic after-sales market.

Reporter: Your company's products are in line with international brands. Do you have any products that adapt to the domestic market?

Guest: This is a major measure for our company to improve its competitiveness, that is, the product quality is comparable to international brands, and the price strategy is close to the domestic market. From the aspects of product quality, performance, reliability, and price, we will adapt measures to local conditions and timely conditions to improve Market Competitiveness.

Product display of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharging System Co., Ltd.

Reporter: In 2015, the automotive aftermarket has changed a lot. What impact will it have on your company?

Guest: Our company is in a special position in the aftermarket environment. The company is relatively young. At the same time, the company has already deployed and invested in the aftermarket many years ago, so it does not have much impact on this area to prepare for a rainy day.

However, the company will increase investment in the domestic aftermarket in 2016. Introduce new products, develop new customers, enrich the product chain, and allow customers to have more choices for vehicle models.

Reporter: 2015 is a year of reshuffle for the automotive aftermarket. How do you personally view this industry?

Guest: This year, there are 8 million turbochargers for cars, about 80% of which are Volkswagen models. By analogy, in 2017, the number of gasoline engines in cars will be 18 million. At that time, Volkswagen may have about 50% of the market share, while Fengwo's market share will reach 10%. The demand for superchargers in the aftermarket is increasing, and Fengwo focuses on development and will never stop.

Product display of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharging System Co., Ltd.

Reporter: After 2015, the market has been impacted by the Internet. What do you think of this?

Guest: As a manufacturer, with the development of the mainframe business market, the development of our company's product platform has never stopped. Next, we will look for professional partners, explore the Internet in depth, and strive for a larger market share.

Reporter: At present, is there any difficulty in offline expansion?

Guest: Misjudgment incidents often occur in turbochargers, some function keys failure will be manifested on the turbocharger, the after-sales service and claims will affect the motivation of many dealers to promote turbocharger products. At present, we are also actively improving this area.

Product display of Ningbo Fengwo Turbocharging System Co., Ltd.

Reporter: In the face of the general trend of the development of the automotive aftermarket, what new strategic adjustments and plans does your company have in 2016?

Guest: In 2016, the company will increase investment in developing new customers and developing new products. From a long-term perspective, the Fengwo brand is constantly seeking growth, and the number of superchargers installed by OEMs is increasing year by year. At the same time, try new content on the Internet, fit the particularity of supercharger products, and explore new development models.

Reporter: Thank you for accepting our interview! Guest: Thank you.